At our Central Office in Manchester, last week, 17th October, we decided to put on a coffee morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Research. With many of the team having been touched by cancer in one way or another, it was a charity that we could all get behind, but also a great excuse to eat loads of cake!
Surrounding offices also got involved, one even bringing in their two children who had baked cakes for the event. Around 20 people attended and £143.15 raised.
We hope we can raise even more money for various charities in the future. For Swimtime, engaging with our communities is an important value to our business. We hope that by running events such as this, it will not only bring us closer with those who work around us but also help wider communities who require the help of the charities we support.
Why not run your own coffee morning? Click the link below to find out more: