Breaking Barriers, Nurturing Potential

When Andrew and Terri became Swimtime franchisees, their goal was simple: make swimming lessons accessible to everyone, regardless of ability.

Andrew and Terri noticed a gap in inclusivity in existing programmes at local leisure centres and swim providers. Many places claimed to accommodate special needs, but the approach lacked flexibility, often isolating children with disabilities from mainstream classes.

Parents often asked them, "Can my children swim together, even if one has special needs?" The answer is always, “yes”. With Swimtime, swimming knows no boundaries. Whether a child has special needs or not, the basis of learning remains the same and a good swim teacher adapts to each student's needs.

Following the Swimtime model, a structure that caters to all abilities. Including reasonable adjustments for those with complex special needs and disabilities to ensure their participation. After all, every child desires to feel safe, have fun, and succeed.

Investing in Instructors

Central to Andrew & Terri’s mission was training their instructors to the highest standards, whilst providing opportunities to learn new skills, which aided in the growth of teachers' knowledge and ability to work with a wider range of learners. 

Every teacher, like Jane, plays a pivotal role. Jane started with Swimtime as a helper and progressed to a fully qualified instructor. Her dedication shone through when she began working with Nathan, an autistic, nonverbal swimmer. 

Speaking with Jane, she recalls her teaching journey with Swimtime and working with Nathan.

"On my first day of teaching, fear gripped me tightly, standing at just 5 feet tall, I felt dwarfed by the daunting task ahead. Nathan, a nine-year-old boy, stood before me, our heights mirroring each other. The thought of failing him loomed large in my mind.

Fortunately, with guidance from Terri and the unwavering support of Dayo, Nathan's mother, a glimmer of hope emerged. Their encouragement lifted the weight from my shoulders, easing my anxieties. Despite my lack of experience with autism, Nathan's non-verbal communication posed a unique challenge, one I was determined to overcome.

Every week, I delved into research on autism, striving to understand the intricacies of Nathan's needs. I explored triggers that could evoke unhappiness or discomfort, seeking insights to enhance my teaching approach. Additionally, I pursued continuous professional development opportunities to expand my toolkit of strategies.

Through my studies, I uncovered Nathan's aversion to certain sensations, such as gloves, hats, socks, and shoes. Even the thought of goggles elicited resistance. Despite experimenting with various shapes and sizes, finding a solution proved elusive. Yet, Nathan's love for submerging his face and swimming underwater remained unwavering.

Driven by a deep-seated belief in Nathan’s potential, I set a goal: to guide him towards consistent swimming above water. Though daunting, this objective fuelled my determination, igniting a passion for overcoming obstacles together.

After just five months of teaching, the sudden onset of the pandemic left me anxious about Nathan's progress. I feared that the strides he had made in refining his technique would be undone.

When lockdown restrictions finally eased, we made a pivotal decision and with all 3 areas working together, management, teachers and parent, we collated a plan that ensured Nathan's health & wellbeing was at the forefront: Nathan would resume his lessons, now attending twice a week. This adjustment was not made lightly, considering Nathan's susceptibility to severe seizures, which often disrupted his sleep patterns. Recognising the therapeutic benefits of swimming, we saw an opportunity to channel his energy productively, ensuring he enjoyed restful nights at least two nights a week.

This decision wasn't solely based on pedagogy; it was rooted in a deep understanding of Nathan's daily struggles. Through my personal rapport with Dayo, Nathan's mother, I gained insights into their daily challenges and the profound impact of Nathan's condition on his well-being. This intimate understanding informed our approach, ensuring that every lesson was not just about swimming, but also about fostering Nathan's overall health and resilience. 

Reflecting on over four and a half years of teaching Nathan has been nothing short of extraordinary. Throughout this journey, Nathan has blossomed into an accomplished swimmer, showcasing his determination and resilience at every turn. His remarkable progress is underscored by the attainment of 13 distinct awards, a testament to his unwavering commitment and perseverance.

From his humble beginnings at Eel 1, Nathan has steadily advanced through Swimtime's grading system, currently setting his sights on conquering the challenges of Pufferfish 3. Each achievement is a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to improvement.

Nathan's journey serves as an inspiration to all who have had the privilege of witnessing his growth. His determination, resilience, and boundless enthusiasm remind us of the power of perseverance and the limitless potential that resides within each of us. I am immensely proud of Nathan and honoured to have played a part in his remarkable journey."

Published by Swimtime: (updated: )